December 2011 Newsletter

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It’s been a busy fall and we are excited about the plans for the upcoming 2012 Sportsmen’s Club

Banquet being held on March 10!


Land Updates

There is a piece of land near Matlock available for public use. This ground is located 1 mile east and ½

mile south along the blacktop. Most of the ground is CRP.



We are updating the website and are hoping to have it finalized by the banquet. We will provide you

with more information at that time. We are excited about the new look!


2012 Banquet Information

The 2012 banquet will once again be held at the Dordt College Rec Center. The board is in full swing

making plans for the banquet and many items are falling quickly into place!

Grand Prizes include . . .

Browning Citori 12 ga

$1000 gift certificate to Joe’s Appliance (Orange City)

Remington 1187 12 ga

iPad 2

DPMS 5.56 AR-15 .223 cal

$500 gift certificate to Vander Berg Furniture

Ruger 44 mag Super Blackhawk Pistol

Thompson Center Triumph .50 cal

American Classic .45 cal Pistol

Ice Fishing Package – 2 man shack, heater, ice dipper, rods & reels

Hunting Package – binoculars, treestand, blind, trail camera, etc.

Ruger 10/22


Make sure to send in the enclosed form before the early bird deadline of February 1, 2012. Our early

bird prizes this year will be:

Thompson Omega Muzzleloader .50 cal

Mosseburg 500 12 ga

Ruger 10/22

$100 cash

4 – $50 cash


** Keep in mind that tickets are $15 more at the door the night of the banquet, so make sure to send

in your form for tickets or contact any of the board members.


As always, business or individuals will have the opportunity to sponsor a gun. If you are interested in

doing this, please contact any of the board members.


There are two – $250 scholarship available to high school seniors or current college students and we

strongly encourage you to go online to our website ( for an

application. Here is a great way to help with your college tuition! All applications must be postmarked

no later than February 10, 2012.


The Legendary Sportsman Award will once again be awarded during our banquet. If you have someone

in mind to nominate, please fill out a nomination form found on our website

( The forms must be postmarked no later than February 10, 2012.

We look forward to seeing you at our banquet! Be safe this hunting season!


Roger Van Beek


Sioux County Sportsmen’s Club