May 2016 Newsletter

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Hello to all the outdoor enthusiasts! My apologies for getting this out so late, but we have a few things going on this summer to make you aware of along with an update about the past banquet held in March.

Thanks to all of you the banquet was once again a huge success! We cleared around $61,000!! We cannot express enough thanks for the loyal support from all the members and businesses in the area for believing in what is being done in Sioux County! THANK YOU!

We have set March 11, 2017, for the 20th Annual SCSC Banquet! Yes, you read that correctly! Next year we will be celebrating 20 years! If anyone has any ideas on ways we could make this the biggest and best banquet yet, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with one of our board members. We are always open to considering new ideas!

Outdoor Skills Day

This will be held on June 9, from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Oak Grove. There is a noon lunch provided. This day is open to all ages. There are different sessions to choose from….shotgun shooting, air rifles, archery, outdoor cooking, improving outdoor skills and much more. You must pre-register by calling Sunday Ford (712-552-3057).

Family Fishing Clinic

This event, sponsored by Sioux County Conservation Board and the Sioux County Sportsmen’s Club will be held on Saturday, June 11, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the Sandy Hollow fishing pond. Come for a fun filled morning of fishing instruction. There will be prizes!! Bring your own pole. **There will be some available if you don’t have one. Lunch will be provided at noon for those who participate. To register please call Sunday Ford (712-552-3057).


We still have calendars available to purchase if you are interested.  As a reminder, each calendar sold will be tied to a specific number. Each week of the year a number will be drawn to win that week’s gun. Each calendar can be purchased for $30. Calendars will be sold until we are out of them. If you are interested in purchasing a calendar, please contact one of the board members listed below.

Land Maps

A printable land map can be found on our website


Don’t forget to check out our website! Make sure you check out the “Upcoming Events” section for any local sportsmen related activities. Events are continually updated. Volunteer opportunities will be listed in the upcoming events area, but you can also sign up on the website to be emailed when opportunities arise (perfect opportunity to find out when work days are for Sandy Hollow!).

Land Update

We are hoping to finalize details so that the 67 acres west of Matlock will be open for hunting this fall. Please keep an eye out for signs or check with board members to find out if the land is open to the public.


Roger Van Beek


Sioux County Sportsmen’s Club